Friday Dojo Discernments
Hi all! Here is your weekly dose of Dojo Discernments where I share nuggets of thought earned on the mats this week.
God Bless!
Quote I'm pondering
"Don't let your mood affect your actions, but your actions affect your mood"- Brian Glick
Question I'm asking
What is the one thing that, if you do it today, will fulfill you all day? Go do that.
Questions I'm being asked
"I'm about to go up again coach and I don't feel ready! I can't think!" the competitor asked. "Exhale," I told him.
When it comes to nervous system regulation, the main thing we forget is to exhale.
I can't breathe! Try exhaling
My muscles are pumped! Try exhaling
I can't sleep! Try exhaling
Out, push, release
You will always remember to breathe, now exhale.
Concept I'm focusing on
In the context of skill acquisition in jiu-jitsu, business, or personal development ;exposure plays a pivotal role in shaping our abilities. It acts as a disruptor, breaking us free from habitual thinking and pushing us toward innovation. The more novel stimuli we engage with, the greater our potential for growth.
Think of neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to rewire itself in response to new experiences. When exposed to a fresh perspective or technique, the brain builds new pathways.
Reboot the system
What do you do when your attack from guard fails? Do you allow your guard to get passed? Or do you reguard and reattack. I hope the latter! Reguarding after a failed attack is an example of resetting or rebooting the system.
After a competition loss: reboot the system. Reavaluate, learn, train, compete.
After failure or tragedy: reboot the system. Close the loops in your processes and know how to do a manual/conscious restart!
What's Next
We didn't get the nod at WNO but we went to battle and have an immense amount of data to improve upon. Practice is my first priority. Getting back on to another professional show is my second. In the short term at least. Cheers to that path!
If you shared the experience in person, online, or sent any energy. Thank you.
Snuggle Bug Instructional Comes out Next Monday! If you are a member of the Dovadogg Library, you will have auto access to the course once it's released! 🙏🙏🙏