Know Where You're At, Know What To Do, Do It

Study Every Angle of The Game

Enroll in the curriculum

Welcome to the Dovadoggdojo

My name is Isaac Cordova and I have been studying Jiu-Jitsu since I fell in love with the game in 2009.  The never-ending quest of self-betterment and refinement has me here for the long haul. I'm entering the third year of black belt, reached the round of 16 of both East and West Coast ADCC Trials this past Year, won Finishers Sub-only, am a member of Team USA Grappling, and am currently ranked 10th in the world at bantamweight.

My goal here is to provide you the space and knowledge to add and develop your game. Whether you are an student of mine in-person or far off.

The Triangle is my sharpest, most well developed sword. So that is where we begin. This is a new venture, so anything you find missing, lacking, or would like to see please reach out here or on Instagram. May this space become your new favorite place to study. God Bless.

Let's Get Started